As the new season of spring blooms before us, let’s take a moment to appreciate the wonders of the night sky. April 2023 brings with it nine amazing astronomy events that you can observe with the naked eye. Don’t miss out on these incredible occurrences!
April 6 – Full Pink Moon
The first full moon of spring may not have the hue of brilliant pink, but its name is inspired by the vibrant, eye-catching colors of the gorgeous wildflowers that bloom in early spring – like the stunning Phlox flower, famously known as “moss pink”!
April 11 – Mercury at Greatest Elongation
Mercury will be farthest from the Sun on April 11. Are you up for a challenge? Can you spot the first planet from the sun? After sunset, look west in the evening sky and you may just be able to see Mercury!

April 16 – Close Approach of the Moon and Saturn
In the predawn sky, just before sunrise, you can spot a spectacular sight – the Moon and Saturn will be a mere 3 degrees or six full moons apart! Make sure to look towards the southeast for this dazzling display of cosmic wonder.

April 17 – Venus at perihelion
Get ready for an awe-inspiring sight this month as Venus, one of the brightest object in the evening sky, graces us with its presence! On April 17, Venus will be at its closest point to the Sun, a mere 0.72 astronomical units away. So, be sure to catch this breathtaking phenomenon by looking west after sunset. It’s a sight you won’t want to miss!
April 20 – Hybrid Solar Eclipse
Get ready to witness a celestial event of epic proportions! The Moon is about to pass in front of the Sun, creating a spectacular solar eclipse visible from western Australia, East Timor, and eastern Indonesia. This video shows the path of the eclipse with the darkest areas being the best places to witness the eclipse, with the moon covering 99% of the Sun’s disc. Remember, never look directly at the Sun! It’s important to protect your eyes by using specially designed solar filters like eclipse glasses or solar filters for telescopes and binoculars.
During this hybrid solar eclipse, some sections of the eclipse path will fall within the Moon’s darkest shadow, known as the umbra, and experience a total solar eclipse. Meanwhile, other areas outside the umbra’s reach will witness an annular eclipse. So, get ready to experience the magic of the universe and witness this incredible event, but make sure to do so safely!

23 April – Lyrid Meteor Shower
Get ready to be dazzled by the Lyrid meteor shower! From April 16th to April 25th, the Lyrid meteor shower will be active, reaching its peak rate of meteors around April 23. During this time, you’ll have a chance to witness Lyrid meteors whenever the shower’s radiant point, located in the constellation Hercules, is above the horizon. At its peak, the shower is expected to produce a nominal rate of around 18 meteors per hour (ZHR), so be sure to keep your eyes peeled for shooting stars streaking across the sky. And if that’s not enough to get you excited, the Moon will be only 3 days old and 12% illuminated, providing the perfect dark sky for this celestial spectacle. So, don’t miss your chance to witness the awe-inspiring Lyrid meteor shower!
April 23 – Close Approach of Moon and Venus
Get ready to witness an incredible celestial event as the Moon and Venus align in the night sky! They will share the same right ascension, with the Moon passing just 1°18′ to the north of Venus. The Moon will be 3 days old. Look towards the west-northwest in the evening sky after sunset to witness this awesome alignment. It’s a sight that you won’t want to miss!

April 23 – Pi Puppids Meteor Shower
From April 15th to April 28th, if you live in the southern hemisphere, you’ll have the chance to witness this incredible meteor shower, with the peak occurring on April 23. While the number of meteors per hour can vary from year to year, one thing is for certain: this meteor shower is always a sight to behold!
April 25/26 – Close Approach of the Moon and Mars
Look up towards the southwest in the evening sky and prepare to witness a wonderful approach of two celestial bodies: the mighty Moon and the fiery red planet Mars! You can witness this wonderful event best with the naked eye, as these two celestial wonders approach each other to within 3 degrees or 6 full moons. Let me know which of these naked-eye astronomy events you’re most looking forward to in the comments section. If you like this video, please like, share, and subscribe to my channel.
Clear skies!
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