DWARF II Smart Telescope REVIEW: Best $500 Telescope and Spotting Scope?

The DWARF II smart telescope is a fantastic choice for those interested in astrophotography, birdwatching, or animal photography on a budget. Its user-friendly mobile app makes it easy to use. While it may not have the very best optics, it provides an effortless way to … Continue readingDWARF II Smart Telescope REVIEW: Best $500 Telescope and Spotting Scope?

The Most Popular Telescopes for Astrophotography: Insights from 78645 AstroPictures!

I’ve conducted an in-depth analysis of 78,645 Astro-pictures taken by 8090 astrophotographers and the telescopes they use. My main findings are that the Celestron Edge HD and RASA telescope series are the most popular, followed closely by the Sky-Watcher Esprit 100 ED and the Astro-Tech … Continue readingThe Most Popular Telescopes for Astrophotography: Insights from 78645 AstroPictures!

Best Affordable Telescope to Start Astrophotography!?

One of the first questions that probably comes to your mind when starting astrophotography is what kind of telescope you should buy at an affordable price. There are many types of telescopes on the amateur astrophotography market which can be quite overwhelming. In my opinion, … Continue readingBest Affordable Telescope to Start Astrophotography!?

My Astrophotography Gear

I always believe that you should put your money where your mouth is! Buying astrophotography gear is quite expensive. Reviewing gear for a couple of imaging nights gives us a first impression, but buying and using it over time will give us the best impression. … Continue readingMy Astrophotography Gear

Best Telescope for Planetary Imaging (<$1250) | Astrophotography

Are you looking for a reasonably affordable telescope for planetary imaging? I had the same question and decided to do some research. I’ve compared five planetary telescopes from $500 to $1250 on a number of criteria. The outcome is that the Classical Cassegrain 203/2436mm (F/12) … Continue readingBest Telescope for Planetary Imaging (<$1250) | Astrophotography

Meade LX85 telescope mount – short review on user experiences and automation (ascom) options

If you are wondering about the capabilities of the Meade LX85 telescope mount in terms of general use and automation, I strongly recommend you read through these two posts that were left on my YouTube channel by Garnett Leary. His conclusion is that the Meade … Continue readingMeade LX85 telescope mount – short review on user experiences and automation (ascom) options

About me

I’m Wido Oerlemans, a 46-year-old astrophotographer from the light-polluted lands of Utrecht, The Netherlands. My life orbits around my loving wife and two incredible daughters, aged 11 and 13. For many years, I journeyed through the academic life as an assistant professor in organizational psychology. … Continue readingAbout me

Best affordable telescope to start astrophotography in 2020?

If you plan to start your astrophotography hobby, one of the first questions that probably comes to your mind is what kind of affordable telescope you should buy. There are many types of telescopes which can be quite overwhelming. The short answer to this question … Continue readingBest affordable telescope to start astrophotography in 2020?