Equatorial Mount comparison table from $700 to $2000 including reported periodic error

It is always hard to make a decision on the most important piece of equipment you will need to buy for your astrophotography hobby. In the comparison table below, I compare some of the most popular mounts of some main features such as price, payload … Continue readingEquatorial Mount comparison table from $700 to $2000 including reported periodic error

How to capture a comet with a telescope from your backyard

Are you wondering how to take a picture or make a time-lapse video of a comet with your telescope from your backyard? I’ve asked myself that same question a few months back and did some research. To capture a comet with a telescope from your … Continue readingHow to capture a comet with a telescope from your backyard

Five tips to improve your astrophotography

In this blog, I’ll mention five tips to improve your astrophotography hobby that I’ve picked up over the years. These tips may be useful when you are wondering how to: Increase the accuracy of your polar alignment; Select deepsky objects that are ideally sized for … Continue readingFive tips to improve your astrophotography

Best beginner telescope mount for astrophotography in 2020?

Do you have some trouble deciding what telescope mount would be best suited to start your astrophotography hobby? Then you have come to the right blog! I’ll compare seven beginner level mounts on seven criteria that I think are essential when taking your first steps … Continue readingBest beginner telescope mount for astrophotography in 2020?

Seven Essential Steps to Start Astrophotography

If you wonder what kind of astrophotography equipment, software and skills you need to get started in astrophotography you’ve come to the right blog! I discuss seven steps that are essential when starting your astrophotography hobby. It is my hope that this saves you some … Continue readingSeven Essential Steps to Start Astrophotography

Best affordable telescope to start astrophotography in 2020?

If you plan to start your astrophotography hobby, one of the first questions that probably comes to your mind is what kind of affordable telescope you should buy. There are many types of telescopes which can be quite overwhelming. The short answer to this question … Continue readingBest affordable telescope to start astrophotography in 2020?

Best advanced telescope mount for astrophotography in 2020?

Are you looking for an affordable advanced telescope mount to take your astrophotography hobby to the next level? Do you want to capture galaxies or guide accurately with heavier telescopes? Then this blog may contain useful information for you. I have compared the specs of … Continue readingBest advanced telescope mount for astrophotography in 2020?